Snake’s Head Fritillary In CREOS Meadow
A snake's head fritillary poking through the grass in the CREOS meadow
A snake's head fritillary poking through the grass in the CREOS meadow
We have now completed the renovation of the path behind the Hanley Club (see pic), which now has a layer of hoggin which will provide much better drainage
Due to the COVID pandemic there was no CREOS AGM in 2020. This report therefore covers two years. Many of the regular CREOS events could not take place. Due to government restrictions, even workdays were cancelled for several months.
Improvements to the Lower Path, which leads to Boundary Oak Walk
One thing the pandemic has made us all appreciate is the importance of nature and it seems that for many of us trees are the embodiment of this.
We are pleased to say that renovation work on the Boundry Walk path is now complete. Thank you volunteers and donors.
Here's a male Large Red Damselfly spotted in the CREOS meadow.
Minutes of the CREOS AGM 20th May 2019 at 8.00pm held at the Hanley LTC
It is very satisfying to be able to report that this year 2019 has been all about increasing biodiversity on the CREOS site. Within the space of one year the new management plan has been prepared, presented and also largely implemented!
Minutes for CREOS Annual General Meeting – 8.00pm – 21 May 2018 – Hanley LTC