CREOS Annual General Meeting – 8.00pm – 21 May 2018 – Hanley LTC – Minutes

Present: 29 Members of CREOS

1. Apologies for absence: Virginia Jackson; Ed Santry
2. Minutes of the AGM held on 18 May 2017: were approved without amendment
3. Chair’s Report: Glenys presented her report covering the past year. Highlights included:

  • Managing and maintaining footpaths in good repair;
  • Working with Shepherds Cot Trust to manage water flow and flooding;
  • Erection of new signs at the entrances to the CREOS estate;
  • Efforts to reduce anti-social activity [dumping, litter, rough sleepers; moped crime]
  • Continuing treatment and eradication of Japanese Knotweed
  • Increased focus on conservation, including preparation of new management plan by London Wildlife Trust
  • Updating of Tree Preservation Orders in consultation with Haringey
  • Social activities – Summer BBQ picnic and Xmas lunch party.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Julian presented his report for the year ending 31 March 2018. Income for the year was £4,426 [£8,001]; Expenditure £3,116 [£5,612]; Surplus £1,309 [£2,388]; Balance of funds £11,726 [£10,416].

5. Guest Speaker: Glenys introduced Edward Milner, who spoke on the subject of “The Sex Lives of Spiders”. Illustrated by slides, Ed’s talk was instructive and entertaining. The main features of his talk covered: Spider structure: parts of the body and relationship with habit; A quick survey of some typical UK spider types; Differences between male and female spiders; Sperm production; Courtship; Sexual congress: positions, including missionary, San
Francisco, Japanese etc; Bondage, second round etc; Post-coital behaviour, cannibalism etc; Eggs, hatchlings, nursery web; New spiders and their distribution. There were a number of questions from the audience, covering: mating across species; longevity [some spiders live as long as 18 years]; decline of spider populations; how males tie down females; how to get spiders out of the bath. Glenys proposed a vote of thanks and presented Ed with a bottle of
wine as a token of appreciation.

6. Election of Officers and Committee Members: All current Officers and Committee Members stood for re-election; they were proposed and seconded and re-elected en bloc.

7. AOB: Joan proposed a vote of thanks to the Committee and other Members for their work during the past year, maintaining and enhancing the CREOS environment.

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 9.20pm and Members adjourned to socialise.