Committee & AGM

The committee meets regularly, and every spring we hold an Annual General Meeting. Membership is open to everyone who shares our concern to maintain the area and ensure that it survives for the enjoyment of future generations.

The Committee

Glenys Law (Chair)
David Scott (Treasurer)
Paul Secher (Secretary)
Ros Abrams
David Abram
Jane Bywaters
Jeff Duckett
Rob Jackson
John Larkin
Emma Prinsley
Sue Secher
Jacky Wedgwood
Alys Elphick (Membership)

CREOS Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 2 May 2024 at North London Cricket Club (‘NLCC’), 13 Montenotte Road, London N8 8RL

[Draft minutes subject to approval at the next AGM]

27 Members were present.

  1. Apologies for absence: David Abram, Alys Elphick, Emma Prinsley, Sue Secher, Janie Beigum, Leslie McKiness.
  2. Minutes of the last AGM, 15 May 2023: approved without amendment. There were no matters arising.
  3. Presentation by Patrick Cozier, Head Teacher of Highgate Wood School (for past 17 years). Assisted by Ian Heptonstall (NLCC) and Andy Newton (Highgate Cricket Club – ‘HCC’), Patrick Cozier gave a presentation on ‘Highgate Wood School Sports Field Redevelopment’. Patrick began by outlining the school context and why Highgate Wood School were keen to develop their sports field.  He then explained the relationship between the school and NLCC and HCC.  Patrick then presented plans with visuals, for the proposed redevelopment and concluded by emphasising his commitment to consulting with relevant, local stakeholders.  Questions were raised during the presentation and at the end of the presentation.School context: Big year on year increase in student numbers during past four years.  Sports Hall now used for exams, summer and winter.  Tennis courts now used as a general recreational space.
    Link with NLCC and HCC: Originally approached by NLCC and HCC pre-pandemic.  Proposed partnership re-visited by HWS, as the school has no money for development of top field.  Any development must benefit the school and the clubs.
    The plans: Clear perimeter undergrowth and cut back shrubs and some trees.  Install drainage and watering system.  Re-surface the whole area.  Create six cricket pitches for the school and for the two clubs.  Create 2 x five-a-side football pitches for the school.  Create athletics track and athletics facilities for the school.  Erection of perimeter fencing and netting for security and safeguarding.  Public access on eastern, southern and western sides.  Pedestrian access from NLCC car park.  Provision of gated vehicle access for emergency vehicles.  Small shelter for players and scorers.  Site a suitable container for storage of machinery and equipment.
    Next step(s): Engage and consult with local stakeholders to resolve any outstanding concerns.Questions: Peter Barber and others  – urging the transfer of  land by Haringey from ‘Education’ to ‘Parks’.  Emphasising the importance of ‘Metropolitan Open Land’. Sub-station – old oaks safeguarded.  Drainage – where will the water go?  Importance of putting a watering system in place.  No pavilion, just a storage space combined with a scoreboard.  Height of fencing.  Width of surrounding path for the public.  Nature and composition of the running track and cricket wickets (one of which would be synthetic).  Location of cricket field boundary.  Drainage.  Tree protection.  Requirement for ongoing maintenance.  Respective use of facilities by HWS, NLCC and HCC.  The plans showing Options A and B were confirmed as being Summer = A; and Winter = B.
  4. Chair’s Report: Glenys presented the Chair’s Report and answered questions from the floor. Each Member was given a copy of the full report, which can be found on the website here>>. Tony Robinson asked a question about the timetable for completion of work on footpath renewal.  Glenys said that this would depend upon availability of volunteers.  There being no further questions, Andy Newton, representing Shepherd Cot Trust, provided an update on developments at SCT.  Parking: clubs are expanding and SCT are encouraging members to arrive by bike  or bus or on foot, in preference to car.  Proposal to pedestrianise in September 2024 from bollards by HCC  as a trial.  Highgate planning  application for Brookfields site approved.  Georgians has a lease on a smaller demise.  HCC will develop the Brookfields site.  No plans to take down any further trees.  Re-planting scheme adjacent to Greenways.  One tree will have to go.  Brookfields site will be three all-weather courts.  Floodlit with LED lighting.  Old pavilion will be replaced with a slightly bigger, new pavilion.  Work to be carried out in 2024-26.  Questions: Peter Barber asked if all OS maps from 1870 onwards had been consulted. 1870 trees should be preserved. Andy Newton agreed. Question regarding flooding and drainage in low-lying areas.  Bungalow – part of the garden will be used for tennis courts.  Proposal to link tennis club parents with CREOS, so they are more aware of CREOS.  Andy will suggest to John Newton, Chair of SCT.
  5. Treasurer’s Report: .David Scott presented his report and accounts, a copy of which are attached to these Minutes.  David answered a question regarding a membership drive with reference to Shepherd Cot Trust and local residents’ associations.
  6. Election of Officers and Committee Members: Officers and Management Committee Members were re-elected en-bloc, as listed above.
  7. AOB: Peter Barber proposed a vote of thanks to the Officers and Management Committee Members for their efforts during the past year and wishing CREOS success for the future. There being no further business, the meeting was closed at about 9.45pm

Recent Chair’s Reports

Chair’s report 2024

May 6th, 2024|0 Comments

Forty years ago, in May 1984, the CREOS constitution was drawn up; a typewritten document, stamped and signed by hand. It still serves its purpose well, but has never been amended or updated. We have had discussions this year on ways in which it can be improved.

Chair’s Report 2023

May 18th, 2023|0 Comments

Workdays have been well-attended by a handful of local volunteers, TCV and Good Gym. Unlike last year, when we made not one but two new hoggin paths, we have built no new paths at all this year. We have however improved our existing paths: we used logs to better define the edges of the Woodland Walk where the original wooden edges had rotted and disappeared.

  • CREOS path
  • New meadow path

Chair’s report 2022

June 17th, 2022|0 Comments

It’s no exaggeration to say that the past year has been transformational for the CREOS Open Space.

  • creos path repairs with hoggin

Chair’s Report 2020 & 2021

May 14th, 2021|0 Comments

Due to the COVID pandemic there was no CREOS AGM in 2020. This report therefore covers two years. Many of the regular CREOS events could not take place. Due to government restrictions, even workdays were cancelled for several months.

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Become a member of CREOS (Crouch End Open Space). It is only £10 annually (£15 for a whole family). Your subscription will make a real difference and enable CREOS to maintain, improve and protect the unique character of this area for us all to enjoy.