In Praise of Hornbeams

The hornbeam is one of the most versatile British trees. Freestanding mature specimens, with their characteristic conical crowns, have considerable amenity value, whilst the wood, the hardest of any tree in Europe, provides valuable timber for furniture.

2023-05-14T14:25:33+01:00May 14th, 2023|Categories: Wildlife|Tags: |


The night of December 11th saw our first snowfall of the winter, and the cold temperature meant that the snow stayed on the ground for a week.

2022-12-21T13:09:09+00:00December 21st, 2022|Categories: CREOS News, Wildlife|Tags: , |

The CREOS Wildflower Meadow

Three years ago we established an experimental wildflower meadow along the western edge of the school playing field. Now the meadow is established and continues to bloom in the summer, providing colour as well as attracting bees and butterflies, and of course local passers-by.

2022-07-10T12:41:41+01:00June 6th, 2022|Categories: CREOS News, Wildlife|Tags: |

The CREOS Cyclamen

Cyclamen enthusiasts once had to travel to Mediterranean shores to find this hardy plant growing in the wild, but now this beautiful little flower is thriving in its location off the CREOS Lower Path and getting more abundant every year.

2022-05-28T17:41:15+01:00April 29th, 2022|Categories: Wildlife|Tags: , |
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