Latest News
January conservation day
Our regular conservation day takes place this Sunday, 19th January, from 11am to 1pm.
December conservation day
We will be meeting for a final time in 2024 on Sunday December 15th. This will be a shorter conservation day than usual, and the main task will be to clear the fallen leaves from the pathways.
November conservation day
We will be meeting on Sunday 17th November at the CREOS main entrance in the allotments access road (between 85 and 87 Wood Vale).
CREOS seeks a new Treasurer
Our Treasurer will be standing down at our next AGM in May 2025. We are therefore seeking a new Treasurer to take over and be elected at the AGM.
October conservation day
Our conservation day in October will take place on Sunday 20th October.
September Conservation Day
Our next conservation day will be held on Sunday 11th September, starting at 11am. We will be meeting by the CREOS noticeboard on the allotment access road (between 85 & 87 Wood Vale).
August conservation day
Our next conservation day will take place on Sunday August 18th.
June conservation day
Our next regular conservation day will be on Sunday 16th June. Meet in the meadow at 11am.