Protecting A Vital Green Space In Crouch End

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Chair’s report 2024

Forty years ago, in May 1984, the CREOS constitution was drawn up; a typewritten document, stamped and signed by hand. It still serves its purpose well, but has never been amended or updated. We have had discussions this year on ways in which it can be improved.

2024-05-06T12:19:48+01:00May 6th, 2024|Categories: CREOS News|Tags: , |

Chair’s Report 2023

Workdays have been well-attended by a handful of local volunteers, TCV and Good Gym. Unlike last year, when we made not one but two new hoggin paths, we have built no new paths at all this year. We have however improved our existing paths: we used logs to better define the edges of the Woodland Walk where the original wooden edges had rotted and disappeared.

2023-05-18T14:08:33+01:00May 18th, 2023|Categories: CREOS News|Tags: , |


This year's CREOS AGM will be held on Monday 15th May. CREOS members will find details in the latest newsletter, and all members are invited. 

2023-04-27T14:40:19+01:00April 27th, 2023|Categories: CREOS News, Uncategorised|Tags: |
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