Minute of the CREOS AGM 20th May 2019 at 8.00pm held at the Hanley LTC

Present: 22 Members

1. Apologies for absence: Virginia Jackson; Rob Jackson; Karen Matthews; Jacky Wedgwood
2. Minutes of the AGM 21 May 2018: approved without amendment
3. Chair’s Report: Glenys presented her annual report. Highlights included:

• Increasing biodiversity with preparation, presentation and implementation of the management plan
• Creation of hazel coppice
• Planting of wildlife hedging plants and trees
• Re-routing of paths to protect trees
• Creation of wildflower meadow at back of sports field
• Planting of wildflowers on the CREOS meadow
• Regular maintenance tasks and workdays
• Summer picnic and winter/Xmas party

Glenys concluded by expressing thanks to the Committee and other members and non-members who had assisted during the year.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Julian presented his annual report. Highlights included:

• Income: member income unchanged; grant income [Tesco; HW School; and
Haringey] up from £2000 to £3000
• Expenditure: up by £4,000 – mainly on new signage and on plan implementation.
Admin expenditure [print, insurance etc] down £200
• Deficit: £2,000. Assets down £2,000. Balance of funds = £9,631 [2019 = £11,726]
5. Guest Speaker: Glenys introduced David Bevan who presented a very interesting and well received, illustrated talk on ‘Woodland Management’. Highlights included:

• Focus on North London woods, including Queen’s Wood; Highgate Wood; Coldfall
Wood and smaller woods in North London
• Purpose and importance of coppicing
• Close relationship between CREOS and local woodlands going back to the 1980s
• Oak and Hornbeam – their prevalence and importance
• Primary [pre-1600] and secondary [previously farmland] woodlands
• Relationship between woodland and wildflowers and herbs, including wood anemone; sorrel; bluebells; buttercups; orchids
• Woodland and animals/insects, including birds, moths and butterflies

David took a number of questions – during and after his talk. Glenys thanked David
warmly on behalf of all present.

6. Election of Officers and Committee Members: Glenys thanked Steve Hooper, long serving Committee Member who had recently resigned. David Abram presided over the election of Officers and Members. All current Officers and Members were re-elected, unopposed. Daniel Hackett was elected to the Committee to fill the vacancy created by Steve’s resignation.

7. AOB: There being no further business, the formal part of the meeting was concluded at 10.15pm and members adjourned to socialise.