Creos News2022-03-15T15:22:12+00:00

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In Praise of Hornbeams

The hornbeam is one of the most versatile British trees. Freestanding mature specimens, with their characteristic conical crowns, have considerable amenity value, whilst the wood, the hardest of any tree in Europe, provides valuable timber for furniture.

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Boardwalk restored

Thanks to the efforts of two valiant volunteers, the crumbling old boardwalk, the pathway that leads into the meadow, has been restored to its former glory. All done within a day. We thank one of our neighbours for donating some unwanted decking, which has been repurposed successfully as you can see in the picture.  A great job done. 

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Harington Open Days

Harington is a small local charity based nearby in Highgate which teaches horticulture to young adults with learning difficulties and disabilities. They will be holding an Open Day and Spring Sale on both Saturday 6th May & Sunday 7th May (10am to 1pm).

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Volunteers List

We are aware that many of our members would be willing to help out occasionally with easy jobs like tree and bulb planting, or path sweeping, but are unable to come to our workdays on the third Sunday of the month. If you are someone who is available to help out occasionally on a weekday or perhaps a weekend and would be willing to be on our new Volunteers List do please let us know.

Categories: CREOS News, Volunteer Dates|Tags: |

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Become a member of CREOS (Crouch End Open Space). It is only £10 annually (£15 for a whole family). Your subscription will make a real difference and enable CREOS to maintain, improve and protect the unique character of this area for us all to enjoy.

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