CREOS celebrates its 50th Anniversary

Many members and supporters of CREOS celebrated the 50th anniversary of its foundation with a party in the meadow near the playing fields on Sunday 25th June. Everyone enjoyed their picnics accompanied by a variety of live music, dog competitions and other entertainment on a hot summer’s day.

2023-06-27T17:11:45+01:00June 27th, 2023|Categories: CREOS News|Tags: |

Harington Open Days

Harington is a small local charity based nearby in Highgate which teaches horticulture to young adults with learning difficulties and disabilities. They will be holding an Open Day and Spring Sale on both Saturday 6th May & Sunday 7th May (10am to 1pm).

2023-04-11T15:35:49+01:00April 11th, 2023|Categories: CREOS News|Tags: |
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