Our regular conservation day takes place this Sunday, 19th January, from 11am to 1pm. Meet in the car park at the North London Cricket Club. There are the usual tasks: litter picking, clearing ditches, restoring dead hedges etc, plus we will be working on the path that runs from the car park alongside the cricket club. We hope you will be able to help, even if for a short time.
We have at last managed to secure the delivery of hoggin so we are aiming to get it all spread onto the path this weekend (1st/2nd Feb.
There will be two working sessions, starting at 12pm on both Saturday and Sunday and working until 4pm. We would be enormously grateful for any help, even if it’s only for a short amount of time. Tasks will include shovelling the hoggin into wheelbarrows, raking it and treading it down. We’ll be meeting in the NLCC car park.
If you are unable to help in person, please do consider donating to our fundraiser if you haven’t already. More details can be found here – https://www.givey.com/creospaths.
Thank you!